
Showing posts from October, 2017


So Day got curious and .2% desperate so...I guess here's a list of subsystems within the Aethernet system?  Based upon the different traumas we've experienced.  Here goes: S***e System Day (Host) Finni (Trauma Holder) Birdie (Introject) Sophia (Caretaker) Spade (Manager/ISH) Melanie and Remy (Children + Twins) Lennan (Persecutor) Lyn System Plexi (Host) Lila (Trauma Holder) Lex (Introject) Sophia (Caretaker) Spade (Manager/ISH) Chloë (Persecutor) V******a System Lysette (Host) Asa (Caretaker) Cas (Manager/ISH) L (Trauma Holder) and Alex (Children + Twins) Ivy (Persecutor) I want to give these systems prettier names.  So I guess I will. .-. I'm bored, so I guess I don't have anything else to do (though I hope Ms. Schaffer understands the circumstances...): S***e System - The Soigné System Lyn System - The Lament System V******a System - I don't know yet, V words are weird. Have a good day, I guess. >.>/ -


Last week, Bianca and I talked about OSDD-1b. She said that before the symptoms and disruptive switching got better, I had to get through the trauma work. Which is 100% realistic and understandable but it's been SO BAD lately, urgh. I also compiled a list of EVERY SINGLE ALTER in the system, not just the active ones. It's been getting easier to keep track of them, especially because alters don't just...come and go as they please (@ 99% of "systems" on Vent). Here's a full list: Day (Current Host) Plexi (Former Host, TV head) Lysette (Former Host) Birdie (Introject) Lex (Introject) Sophia (Caretaker) Asa (Caretaker) Spade (Manager/ISH) Cas (Manager/ISH) Melanie (Child) Alex (Child) Remy (Child/Adolescent? She's around 11.) L (Child/Trauma Holder) Finni (Trauma Holder/Mute) Ivy (Persecutor) Chloë (Persecutor) Lennan (Persecutor/Protector?) As you can see, there's a lot, and there might even be more... But at least it's a lot easier to understand wha

A Schedule, a Legend, and What To Expect

Hey there, hi there, ho there! .-. So I figured I'd post a little schedule/legend type deal so y'all know what to expect (that is...if there's anyone here).  Sound good?  Okay, nice. In general, due to certain circumstances, I can only post on here Monday through Friday at the moment, with the very occasional weekend post.  I will generally post between 8am - 12:30pm ET.  So IN THEORY, it should be very consistent.  Like clockwork.  I might even queue posts they can be posted at specific times (if I can figure out how to do that on here. As for a legend, each alter that posts on here will use a different font color.  The big three who will probably post on here are myself (Day), Birdie, and Sophia, but I'll put everyone.  You never know with these things. I'll update this list accordingly as alters are active and dormant. Day - Light blue Birdie - Orange Sophia - Purple Spade - Black Melanie - Pink Remy - Yellow Finni - Green Ivy - Red Easy enou